The Complete Start of the 2016 Gumball 3000 Supercar Rally – YouTube

The annual Gumball 3000 rally is a gathering of many car enthusiasts that travel from one destination to another. Traveling across Europe stops are now in cities  This has now turned into a week long event with this year’s Gumball 3000 rally heading from Dublin, Ireland to Istanbul, Turkey. The stops include (in order); Edinburgh, London, Annecy France, Budapest, and Bucharest as the last pit stop.


The name obviously a hat tip to The Gumball Rally movie.

The Gumball Rally movie from 1976 is about a race from New York to California, but not necessarily a legal one. There are no rules for this race. It is about who can get from one coast to the other in the shortest amount of time. This is all started by the use of the code word Gumball from a wealthy candymaker.

The movie is set to be comical and fun with all the gumballer’s happenings across the country with a Lieutenant trying to apprehend them. There was another movie that came out the same year called Cannonball. The premise was about the same from I have been told and read. I have not had the chance to see that one yet. The first one I saw like it was made a few years later called Cannonball Run, which uses the same characters from Cannonball. This was the first time I think I saw Jackie Chan.

Extraordinary cars at the start line of the Gumball 3000. The one that brings in the most money starts first.

This has become quite a sensational event as people gather to watch the gumballers take off or arrive at different locations. Schmee gives a good look around at the start of the 2016 rally. Check out his video below.


The Complete Start of the 2016 Gumball 3000 Supercar Rally

Source: Youtube – Shmee150